Yes... this is the real deal Crane World Website
Weight Tables
As weight increases, the character attributes of top speed, acceleration, and M-attack dice will increase. Angular acceleration does not change based on acceleration
Melee Weapons
Melee weapons are defined by having a large threat grid. Melee weapons can also substitute any m-attack for a unique e-attack by spending 1 RCT point. Whenever any attack is made, subtract (2xThreat)-(# of melee attacks made this turn) hexes from the weapons's threat grid. These hexes will replenish at the start of a new round.
Variables are italicized. Threat has not been italicized because it is only a variable sometimes, use common sense.
The wording in the chains section might be a little confusing. Here are things chains can do that are not directly stated but implied: chains may reel out or in through objects and while maintaining grapple, chains may push an object backwards or drag it around, and multiple major links grappling a single object can be used to make contested grapple checks to deal damage.
All objects have an innate threat that contains only themselves. However, all objects will also have a blind spot directly opposite their Direction and from Directions where their threat grid has been removed. This will be mentioned later in the definition of objects section.
Movement Vector is the sum of all movement with respect to direction, usually used if multiple objects with different movement are bound together (grappling, mechs, vehicles, etc.).
A beam is a span between two points where every hex is occupied by the same (or very similar object), such that these objects do not need minis to be kept track of. This will also be explained in greater detail later.
RCT is one of four stats.
Autonomus objects are objects that act without making desicions and are not controlled by any PC or NPC (like bullets or shrapnel).