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Momentum Attacks

All objects are able to make momentum attacks, and some are able to make equipment attacks. If an autonomus object has the option to make a weapon attack, it will.

An object making an m-attack will roll their speed d6 and keep the highest three as long as their speed is 6 or below. For every speed above 6, add 1ud6 to the pool.

An m-attack may be made by an active object against another object whenever the other object enters the active object's threat. If the active object chooses not to make an m-attack, the other object may become active only to make an m-attack of its own. M-Attacks may also occur when an object is grappling another. Don't forget: m-attacks may be substitued for equipment attacks if the object is a melee weapon.

Weight Tables

As weight increases, the character attributes of top speed, acceleration, and M-attack dice will increase. Angular acceleration does not change based on acceleration

  1. 12. 5. 2
  2. 11. 3. 2
  3. 10. 2. 3
  4. 9. 1. 3
  5. 8. 1. 4
  6. 7. 0. 4


If two objects have the same or opposite Direction, they may choose to grapple each other when a normal m-attack is made. In the case of same Direction, the active object and the other object make contested m-attacks, and the winner may grapple the loser. In the case of opposite Direction, subtract the other object's Speed from the active object's Speed and use that value instead of the active object's actual Speed to make an uncontested m-attack against the other object, grappling them.

When an object is grappled, it's Direction and Speed are set to match the grappling object's. The grappling object may end the grapple at any time, but the grappled object cannot escape on its own.

Sometimes, multiple objects will try to grapple another object at the same time. If their Direction is the same, they will grapple as normal. If the Direction is not the same between both grapplers, they will make contested m-attacks against each other. The middle object may choose to support either side in this contest with an e-attack (this will still use an RCT point), adding both attack values together. In the contest, all overkill is dealt to the losing object, and the value of the lower damage roll is dealt to the middle object. At any point, either grappling object may choose to let go, but the middle object must wait until either of them let go. Don't Forget: The grapplers retain their Speed values, but do not move according to them. Instead, they move according to their Movement Vector. The grapplers may still accelerate as normal.

Melee Weapons

Melee weapons are defined by having a large threat grid. Melee weapons can also substitute any m-attack for a unique e-attack by spending 1 RCT point. Whenever any attack is made, subtract (2xThreat)-(# of melee attacks made this turn) hexes from the weapons's threat grid. These hexes will replenish at the start of a new round.

Chain Weapons (slightly inconsistient wording)

Chain weapons consist of multiple major links (represented by bullet minis), connected by a beam of minor links. The object wielding the chain weapon counts as a major link and the origin of the chain. If any major or minor link is destroyed or any two major links are more than three spaces away, all links that are older (which will be further down the chain) are destroyed; if the oldest remaining link is minor it becomes major. Any link may grapple another object without making a contested m-attack check, and must grapple as if they had the same Direction as the targeted object. An object using a chain weapon must either choose to reel out or reel in the chain every turn.

If an object is reeling out the chain, they may add new major link at their location and then move all links along their beams up to four spaces, the oldest link moving in any Direction up to three spaces (In many cases, this results in simply producing one new link at the end of the chain and renaming the major links so the oldest is still at the end).

If an object is reeling in the chain, they move every major link down it's beam up to four hexes, then removing any links touching the origin. The object wielding the chain may repeat this any number of times.

In either case of reeling out or in, Speed of any individual link can be derived by the distance traveled, if relevant.


Variables are italicized. Threat has not been italicized because it is only a variable sometimes, use common sense.

The wording in the chains section might be a little confusing. Here are things chains can do that are not directly stated but implied: chains may reel out or in through objects and while maintaining grapple, chains may push an object backwards or drag it around, and multiple major links grappling a single object can be used to make contested grapple checks to deal damage.

All objects have an innate threat that contains only themselves. However, all objects will also have a blind spot directly opposite their Direction and from Directions where their threat grid has been removed. This will be mentioned later in the definition of objects section.

Movement Vector is the sum of all movement with respect to direction, usually used if multiple objects with different movement are bound together (grappling, mechs, vehicles, etc.).

A beam is a span between two points where every hex is occupied by the same (or very similar object), such that these objects do not need minis to be kept track of. This will also be explained in greater detail later.

RCT is one of four stats.

Autonomus objects are objects that act without making desicions and are not controlled by any PC or NPC (like bullets or shrapnel).